Chapelco is designed with an intricate mix of subtle style elements to add depth and create a clean and professional appearance.
A standard array of powerful features and functions are brought to Chapelco via the Gantry Framework, a dynamic and powerful template framework. RokSprocket, a complex and diverse content display extension, has integrated styling with this template.
Chapelco dons a professional veneer with its subtle contrasts between background shades and patterns with the content. It has a selection of eight preset styles with configurable colors, backgrounds and patterns for easy adjustment, such as for corporate branding.
The template focuses on iconography to add depth and character. FontAwesome, with its library of over 300 icons, takes centre stage, implanting them into the module titles, typography and RokSprocket styling, exemplified in the Features layout, with colored backgrounds.
The Chapelco template design's richness is composited in part from its prolific use of custom fontsfor varying title elements, ranging from content articles to module titles and textual elements in the various RokSprocket layouts, such as Tabs; which adds an elegant flair.
The responsive grid system is designed for desktops, tablets and mobiles, each with minor modifications to ensure compatibility in each. Twitter's Bootstrap Framework is used to provide a great degree of flexibility for a responsive design.
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